The Best Lesson Till Now…OR… the end of Education

Ravi Shankar Bhakat
2 min readJan 19, 2021

I wonder about my formal education in schools, colleges and universities. I barely remember the information bombarded by the educators during those stints. Now, If anyone asks me how much I remember of what was taught to me; my answer would be in some fraction percentage.

Then was it all useless?

So, which one lesson is worth cherishing forever ? What is the ultimate lesson learnt during my stay in those formal educational institution setup? Does the information really matter? For a comparative huge interval of my life’s time spent in those dull and crowded places, what is an acceptable compensation?

After much contemplation, I have arrived upon my personal conclusion but not without realization. What I feel is that, I may not be a good information reproducer yet I have amassed a significant level of confidence and faith in myself. I have learned many concepts while unlearned or forgotten most of them. Those mindfulness and forgetfulness have contributed a lot to my life by providing first hand experience of discovering knowledge and learning the patterns of learning process. I could say, I have learned enough (OR bit…in case I sound haughty) to teach myself from the existing resources (often limited). I also tried my capability of building upon my existing knowledge and at the same time extract from existing knowledge base and experiences. As they say “Experience is the best teacher”…I say indeed it is… it doesn’t matter much whether it is ours or someone else’s (that is where teacher comes in).

In this era of information deluge it is essential for all of us to look beyond the information bits-pieces and build a knowledge base through experience sharing…at the same time to strive beyond knowledge towards wisdom.

I strongly believe that, my interest in pursuit of knowledge will not fade away with time and I would always strive at a personal level. May be I will learn new facts and forget them after some interval of time but I will never stop learning. The time we start thinking “I know enough” our mind stops accepting new ideas and becomes dormant. Keeping the mind open to different ideas, harmonize them and contribute some new and evolved thoughts is what I have been rewarded by my education.

So let us prepare ourselves and always be ready for the next lesson!

